من القضايا المهمة التي ينبغي الوقوف لمعالجتها
الرصيف برس
17:42 2024/05/27 |
يافع نيوز &8211; وكالات تستعد بيونغيانغ لوضع قمر اصطناعي
يافع نيوز
13:00 2024/05/27 |
يافع نيوز &8211; وكالات قُتل 15 شخصا على الأقلّ في جنوب
يافع نيوز
12:29 2024/05/27 |
&160; يافع نيوز &8211; عدن. أعتذر الدكتور محمد جمال الشعيبي
يافع نيوز
21:39 2024/05/26 |
هل كانت إيران في حاجة إلى حدث ضخم بمستوى سقوط طائرة
يمن ميديا
21:33 2024/05/26 |
الساحل جبهة قتال، وعمار صالح وطارق صالح مثلهما مثل
يمن ميديا
21:33 2024/05/26 |
في ظل وضوح الفشل وتمادي الفاشلين وتواصل العبث وتمكن
الرصيف برس
18:58 2024/05/26 |
الاسم | الزيارات
alsahwa | News | 00:40 2020/08/28

Alsahwa Net- A group of Yemeni academics, scholars and intellectuals said that the Houthis capitalize on false religious events to create a new reality that serves the Iranian agendas in the>>

alsahwa | News | 00:00 2020/08/28

Alsahwa Net- Commander of the First Military Command, General Saleh Tomais, said that Hadramout supports the legitimate government and the proposed federal system. He added that this position is>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:40 2020/08/27

VIENNA - SABA Yemen’s Ambassador to Austria, Haitham Shujaaddin, and the Political Director of the Austrian Foreign Ministry discussed here Thursday ways of enhancing cooperation between the two>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:50 2020/08/27

MARIB-SABA The mayor of Sana’a city Abdulghani Jameel has condemned the continued silence of international human rights groups for Houthi crimes. In a press conference held in Marib to release a>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 16:20 2020/08/27

RIYADH - SABA Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs, Dr. Mansour Bajjash met the South Korean ambassador to Yemen here on Thursday and discussed with him a number of cooperation issues>>

alsahwa | News | 23:10 2020/08/26

Alsahwa Net-Hundreds of female relatives to detainees staged a sit-in before the Judiciary Complex in Aden to demand fate disclosure of their detained family members who have been forcibly>>

alsahwa | News | 22:30 2020/08/26

Alsahwa Net- Undersecretary of Justice, Faisl Al-Majidi said that the Houthis militants have been forcibly disappearing over 3,544 Yemeni citizens. The Saudi-Al-Hadath affiliated news television>>

26sepnews | News | 18:40 2020/08/26

September Net Local sources in Al-Bayda province said al-Qaeda terrorist group has handed over controlled positions to the Houthi militia without any clashes between the two terrorist groups. The>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 16:20 2020/08/26

RIYADH-SABA Prime Minister, Dr. Maeen Abdulmalik affirmed that the military escalation by the Houthi coup militia, which coincides with international peace brokerage moves, gives a clear indication>>

alsahwa | News | 23:10 2020/08/25

2020-08-25 The people of Hadhramout succeeded in their massive demonstration yesterday to voice their support for the legitimate government despite violent attempts of disruption by the STC.>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 18:40 2020/08/25

RIYADH-SABA Yemen's Information Minister said the Houthi confrontations with Al-Qaeda alleged by the Houthi militia to have recently taken in different areas of central Yemen's Beidha province is a>>

alsahwa | News | 00:40 2020/08/25

The rate of suicide acts has increased highly in Houthi-held parts of Yemen, sources in the theocratic militia and media outlets said. The self-styled Interior Ministry of the militia in Sana a>>

alsahwa | News | 00:00 2020/08/25

2020-08-24 The Yemeni media today is replete with stories of sexual abuse of children by Shia theocratic extremists governing northwest Yemen. Today many media outlets reported that a Houthi>>

alsahwa | News | 00:00 2020/08/25

2020-08-24 In an interview with Al-Sharq al-Awsat news website, spokesman of the Yemeni armed forces renewed his accusations to the Houthi militia of maintaining relationships and full liaison>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:20 2020/08/24

ADEN - SABA Deputy Governor of Aden for Projects Affairs Gassan Azzamiki, directors of service facilities and representatives of companies tasked with implementing Saudi projects discussed Monday>>

alsahwa | News | 21:40 2020/08/24

Alsahwa Net- Well-informed sources in Sana a said that the Houthis have failed to reinstate the compulsory military service among school leavers after the matter was suspended during the past 20>>

alsahwa | News | 21:40 2020/08/24

Alsahwa Net- The Houthis continue systemic methods to damage the education in areas of their control. The latest incident of this chain is the permission to students to cheat in secondary and>>

alsahwa | News | 21:00 2020/08/24

Alsahwa Net-The army spokesman, Abdo Mojalli, said on Monday that coordination and collaborative relations exist between the Houthis and terror groups chiefly the ISIS and Al-Qaeda. The two>>

alsahwa | News | 21:00 2020/08/24

Alsahwa Net- The Houthis continue systemic methods to damage the education in areas of their control. The latest incident of this chain is the permission to students to cheat in secondary and>>

26sepnews | News | 20:10 2020/08/24

September Net Spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces said Houthi militia is a terrorist group and they work with al-Qaeda and ISIS to kill the Yemeni people. Brig. Gen. Abdu Mujali was quoted by>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:20 2020/08/23

RIYADH - SABA Minister of Foreign Affairs discussed Sunday with French Ambassador to Yemen Christian Testu developments in national arena, efforts exerted for realizing peace in Yemen and dangers>>

alsahwa | News | 01:30 2020/08/23

-- Yemen s Information Minister says the UN s constant silence for Houthi atrocities in Taiz and all other parts of Yemen is a green light for the theocratic militia to go ahead in killing civilians.>>

alsahwa | News | 23:10 2020/08/22

Alsahwa Net-Two human rights organizations have declared their determination to sue American and French mercenaries involved in murder cased in Aden, before the international courts. These>>

alsahwa | News | 23:10 2020/08/22

Alsahwa Net- The Houthis intimidated again during the past few days wedding halls and cafes in Sana a citing claims of being places that permit mixing between males and females. The action reminds>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 23:00 2020/08/22

ADEN - SABA The Economic Media and Studies Center- in cooperation with UNICEF- organized Saturday a training workshop via video conference on informational skills and ethics of child journalism>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:30 2020/08/22

BEIDHA-SABA The Houthis have kidnapped 13 people from the village of Sheryaf in the central Yemen province of Beidha on Saturday, on the account of their suspected opposition to the radical>>

26sepnews | News | 16:30 2020/08/22

September Net Yemeni armed forces have liberated a number of strategic positions and mountainous heights in Nihm front, eastern the capital Sana’a. The army launched a wide scale attack against the>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:20 2020/08/21

ALWADIEEA- SABA Fifty four trucks laden with aid crossed the Alwadieea border crossing between July 22 and August 18, 2020, carrying 531 tons of shelter materials and medical equipment The aid>>

alsahwa | News | 00:40 2020/08/21

Alsahwa Net-Hundreds of people demonstrated on Thursday’s morning in Aden in rejection to the normalization of relations with Israel by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Demonstrators raised the>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 23:10 2020/08/20

'Time is running out': Humanitarian groups plead with US to resume aid to Yemen Suspension of aid to country's north is 'increasingly out of step' with situation on ground, aid groups>>

26sepnews | News | 19:30 2020/08/20

September Net A network of several Yemeni NGOs has demanded that Houthi terrorists be held accountable for war crimes they commit against civilians in Yemen. In a statement, the Aden-based Network>>

26sepnews | News | 19:30 2020/08/20

September Net Yemeni armed forces are working to confront terrorist organizations, whether intellectual or extremist such as the Houthi, al-Qaeda and Daesh (ISIS), and other terrorist organizations.>>

alsahwa | News | 00:40 2020/08/20

The boy who risked his life on Monday to save his sister after a Houthi sniper shot her injured burst in tears during an awards ceremony organized by a Taiz NGO for him yesterday. Source of the>>

alsahwa | News | 23:10 2020/08/19

Alsahwa Net- Spokesman of the Saudi-led coalition, Turki Al-Maliki, said on Wednesday that a close relation and common interest exist between the Houthis and terror groups. In a quote, broadcasted>>

alsahwa | News | 23:10 2020/08/19

Alsahwa Net- The Houthis who have changed Sa’ada, north Yemen into a religious emirate, seek replication of the same model in the capital Sana a and other areas of their control. The Houthis have>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:30 2020/08/19

ADEN - SABA A network of several Yemeni NGOs has demanded that Houthi terrorists be held accountable for war crimes they commit against civilians in Yemen. In a statement, the Aden-based Network>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:30 2020/08/19

RIYADH- SABA Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad al-Hadhrami discussed Wednesday with Russian Ambassador to Yemen Vladimir Dudechken relations between the two countries and latest developments in>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 16:50 2020/08/19

ADEN-SABA Aden's Local Authority and humanitarian organizations discussed Wednesday through Video Conference mechanism of boosting partnership between the local authority and these>>

alsahwa | News | 00:30 2020/08/19

Alsahwa Net- Chief of the Saudi-Yemeni Business Council, Abdullah bin Mahfoudh said on Monday that the council managed establishment of firms that will start up doing business in the government-held>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 19:50 2020/08/18

Hunger eclipses fear of Covid-19 in war-ravaged Yemen Charity finds that nearly two-thirds of Yemenis are unable to afford food and drinking water with children being forced to work>>