تتمسك المملكة العربية السعودية بمنطق الوسيط بين
يمن الغد
12:20 2024/08/01 |
بداية يجب التنويه، بأن لا سلطة قرار نقدي من أي جهة
يمن الغد
12:20 2024/08/01 |
أحمد هادي، الدكتور الذي تعلم على يديه نُخبة من ا...
يمني سبورت
12:16 2024/08/01 |
-يبدوا أن ملف تعويض منشات نادي سيىون سيضل يروا...
يمني سبورت
12:16 2024/08/01 |
يبدو أن الحوثي سيضطر للحد من عنترياته بعد الضربة
يمن سكاي
12:16 2024/08/01 |
â€ڈتتعمد مؤسسات الشرعية الغياب في أكثر اللحظات التي
يمن سكاي
12:16 2024/08/01 |
الاسم | الزيارات
Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 22:30 2020/10/29

Yemen war and Trump's Muslim ban drive Yemeni-American support for Biden Activists in Michigan say Yemeni-American community favours Joe Biden over Donald Trump, who imposed a travel ban>>

alsahwa | News | 00:00 2020/10/29

Alsahwa Net-Mayor of the Capital Sana’a, Abdulghani Jameel, said on Tuesday that the Houthis smuggled and disappeared over 14,000 Yemeni ancient rare manuscripts and hundreds of artifacts. In a>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 23:20 2020/10/28

Satellite images suggest deaths almost doubled in Yemen's Aden during pandemic Figures exceed official count as researchers calculate about 2,100 excess deaths over five-month period>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 18:10 2020/10/28

ADEN-SABA Governor of Aden Ahmed Lamlas stressed on the importance of joining the efforts of all stakeholders to cope with the exceptional circumstances that Aden governorate has been experiencing in>>

alsahwa | News | 02:20 2020/10/28

Alsahwa Net- Permanent Representative of Yemen to the United Nations (UN), Abdullah Al-Sa’di, said on Tuesday that the Houthis continue undermining peace efforts by introducing new conditions and>>

alsahwa | News | 01:40 2020/10/28

Traditional Press Two people were killed and three others were injured when a Houthi militant hurled grenade at a fancy restaurant in Sana’a early today, multiple websites reported quoting>>

alsahwa | News | 01:40 2020/10/28

Alsahwa Net- The Houthis use the war on terror groups including ISIS and Al-Qaeda to crack its opponents. Victims of this crackdown are often ordinary citizens who even do not know politics or have>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 18:00 2020/10/27

ADEN - SABA Aden governor discussed on Tuesday with the deputy director of the International Organization for Migration the activities and interventions of the organization in the interim capital>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 15:50 2020/10/27

Yemen: Houthi minister of youth ‘assassinated’ in Sanaa The Houthis denounce the attack as 'a criminal act' by the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen MEE and agencies Tue,>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 11:20 2020/10/27

Child malnutrition reaches new highs in parts of Yemen: UN survey Programmes keeping millions from starvation and disease are gradually closing amid an acute funding shortage MEE>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 23:11 2020/10/26

NEW YORK - SABA The Republic of Yemen's Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Abdullah Assa'adi met Monday here with the Permanent Representative of the Saint Vincent and Grenadines to the>>

alsahwa | News | 21:10 2020/10/26

Alsahwa Net- Minister of Information, Muamar Al-Eryani, said on Sunday that international efforts aimed at convincing Houthis to permit experts of the United Nations (UN) access the decaying Safer>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 20:10 2020/10/26

RIYADH-SABA Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hadrami met on Monday with the Ambassador of Portugal to the Republic of Yemen Lewis Alameda. Bilateral ties between Yemen and Portugal and UN-led efforts to>>

26sepnews | News | 19:00 2020/10/26

September Net Minister of Information Muammar al-Eryani said on Sunday it has been clear that all UN “attempts to persuade the Houthi militia to into allowing the organization’s technical experts>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 18:00 2020/10/26

ADEN - SABA The governor of Aden Ahmed Hamed Lamlas said on Sunday the city is ready to receive interested investors and offer them all the necessary facilitations they may need. Inaugurating a>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:40 2020/10/25

ADEN - SABA Minister of Information Muammar al-Eryani said on Sunday it has been clear that all UN “attempts to persuade the Houthi militia to into allowing the organization’s technical experts>>

alsahwa | News | 21:10 2020/10/25

Alsahwa Net-The Houthis militants imposed illegal taxes on merchants and commercial shops in Ibb province, central Yemen. Well informed sources said that the Houthis continue intimidating businesses>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 19:20 2020/10/25

ADEN - SABA The Aden First Conference and Exhibition on Construction started its sessions Sunday in the temporary capital Aden. The two-day gathering aims to promote construction drive and>>

26sepnews | News | 17:30 2020/10/25

September Net Yemeni Organization of Prisoners and Abductees (YOPD) on Thursday organized a hearing of six civilians who were abducted and held captive in Houthi militia prisons. At the hearing,>>

alsahwa | News | 23:20 2020/10/24

Unrelenting Houthi attempts and unrewarding sacrifice of lives to achieve (military) advance on Marib. Source of the story: Mandab Press.Multiple websites reported about the army repelling Houthi>>

alsahwa | News | 21:10 2020/10/24

Alsahwa Net- The Houthis bombed on Saturday Al-Amal Oncology Center in Taiz city. Local sources said that the Houthis militants stationed east of the city, bombed directly at the center which>>

alsahwa | News | 21:10 2020/10/24

Alsahwa Net- Houthis militants continue inflicting various forms of torture on civilian detainees amidst lack of monitoring by human rights organizations. The recent swap of prisoners and detainees>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 20:50 2020/10/24

RIYADH - SABA Information Minister said the Iranian regime escalates the conflict in Yemen and confuses the landscape whenever a breakthrough seems to come near. In a statement to Saba, Muammar>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:10 2020/10/24

OTTAWA-SABA Yemen's Ambassador to Canada Jamal al-Sallal discussed Saturday via entrant with Deputy Head of Foreign Relations at Canadian Parliament Michael Chong parliamentarian relations and latest>>

alsahwa | News | 00:10 2020/10/23

A man was killed and three including a young girl were injured in Houthi shelling south of Hodeidah. Source of the story: Alhrar Net. Yemeni writer Adel Doshayla says, “The draft (peace)>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:30 2020/10/22

RIYADH - SABA Minister of Information Mu'amar al-Iryani has said that recent Iranian's movements unearthed the reality of the battle in Yemen for five years. He made it clear that the recent>>

alsahwa | News | 22:40 2020/10/21

2020-10-21 Dhamar: The Houthi militia bury 35 bodies of unknown men. Source of the story: Alhekma Net.Unknown gunmen assassinate military officer Naser Alfadhli in Aden. Source: Multiple>>

alsahwa | News | 01:40 2020/10/21

Alsahwa Net- The Houthis began this week intensive campaign forcing commercial shops and companies to pay forcible donation for organizing a nationwide party in areas of their control to celebrate>>

alsahwa | News | 00:50 2020/10/21

Alsahwa Net-Female Relatives to Detainees Association said on Tuesday that three female captives at the Sana’a Central Prison were harshly beaten by the prison officials. It said that it received>>

alsahwa | News | 00:50 2020/10/21

Alsahwa Net-The government of Yemen sent on Monday a letter to the United Nations (UN) Security Council complaining Iran about its recent action on smuggling one of its militants to Yemen and>>

alsahwa | News | 21:10 2020/10/20

A Turkish humanitarian aid official (Finance Officer of the Turkish Red Crescent) has been shot injured in an assassination attempt in Aden. Source of the story: Multiple news websites. Following>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:40 2020/10/20

RIYADH-SABA A team of the World Bank (WB) announced that the portfolio projects allotted to Yemen which will be approved in March 2021 designed to cover the integrated projects of education, social>>

26sepnews | News | 17:30 2020/10/20

September Net The government of Yemen sent Monday a letter to the Security Council on Iran regime&8217;s smuggling an agent to Yemen as an ambassador to Houthi militia. The letter described>>

26sepnews | News | 17:30 2020/10/20

September Net A team of the World Bank (WB) announced that the portfolio projects allotted to Yemen which will be approved in March 2021 designed to cover the integrated projects of education, social>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 15:20 2020/10/20

MARIB-SABA Minister of Oil and Minerals Eng. Aous al-Aoud held on Tuesday a meeting in Safer Refinery facility with senior officials of the Yemeni Oil Refinery Company (YORC) and the Yemeni Oil>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:00 2020/10/19

ADEN - SABA The government of Yemen sent Monday a letter to the Security Council on Iran regime's smuggling an agent to Yemen as an ambassador to Houthi militia. The letter described Iran's act as>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:00 2020/10/19

ADEN - SABA The Rector of Aden University Dr. al-Khader Lassor met on Monday here with a delegation from KSrelief Center's Demining Project in Yemen "MASAM" included the Director of MASAM in the>>

alsahwa | News | 20:20 2020/10/19

Alsahwa Net- Sweden said on Monday that it devotes its efforts with Saudi Arabia, the United Nations (UN) and its partners of the European Union (EU) to convince parties to the conflict in Yemen to>>

alsahwa | News | 20:20 2020/10/19

Alsahwa Net- A government report said on Sunday that the Houthis militia recruited over 4,600 children between January to September 2020. The report indicated that the Houthis deprive the children>>

alsahwa | News | 01:30 2020/10/19

Yemen’s government has slammed the Iranian regime for smuggling a militant to Houthi militia-held parts of the country and declaring him “an ambassador to Yemen.” Source of the story: Multiple>>