منذ ظهور الحركه الحوثية في صعده وارتمائها لحضن ايران
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21:15 2024/08/04 |
مر السبت على عدن وكان ثقيلاً مشبعاً بالقلق والتوجسات،
الرصيف برس
18:15 2024/08/04 |
يافع نيوز &8211; تكنولوجيا تشكل البرامج الضارة خطرًا على
يافع نيوز
13:00 2024/08/04 |
يافع نيوز &8211; وكالات قال مسؤولون أميركيون وإسرائيليون
يافع نيوز
12:54 2024/08/04 |
يافع نيوز &8211; وكالات قالت وكالة الأنباء المركزية
يافع نيوز
12:53 2024/08/04 |
الاسم | الزيارات
Saba net | Yemen News | 20:20 2020/12/19

KUWAIT-SABA The Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry has welcomed the implementation of Riyadh Agreement by the Yemeni government and South Transitional Council, carrying out military arrangements incorporated>>

alsahwa | News | 20:00 2020/12/19

Three children were injured by a Houthi shell in Taiz city./Multiple websites.As many as 40,000 people sign a petition demanding ending of the Houthi siege on Taiz city and repairing its only>>

alsahwa | News | 20:00 2020/12/19

Alsahwa Net- Houthis have bombed 816 houses across Yemen over the past six years, a Yemeni CSO based in Marib revealed on Friday. The chief of the Civil Organization for the Homeless Victimized by>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 18:00 2020/12/19

RIYADH -SABA The Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Dr. Nayef Al-Hajraf has welcomed the formation of the new Yemeni Cabinet from various political parties, in implementation of the>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 14:20 2020/12/19

Yemen's STC separatists join unity government against Houthis Saudi Arabia has welcomed the deal to end infighting in the anti-Houthi coalition MEE staff Sat, 12/19/2020 - 09:19 >>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:11 2020/12/18

ADEN-SABA A specialized training course for coast guards' officers and personnel concluded on Friday in the temporary capital Aden. 37 coast guards officers and personnel attended the training>>

alsahwa | News | 21:30 2020/12/17

Alsahwa Net- Information Minister Muammar Al-Eryani stressed that the cultural and intellectual invasion wars are no less dangerous than military wars, calling on the Yemeni people to confront them>>

alsahwa | News | 00:30 2020/12/17

The Houthi militia have created a panel to supervise graduation ceremonies in Yemen s biggest University of Sana a to suppress the nationalistic trends of graduation ceremonies. Al-Asimah Online>>

alsahwa | News | 23:40 2020/12/16

Alsahwa Net- A member of the government s negotiation team in the December 2018 Stockholm said talking about the implementation of the Stockholm Agreement reached in those consultations is useless>>

alsahwa | News | 23:40 2020/12/16

Alsahwa Net- Yemen s GDP has lost, since and as a result of the Houthi coup of 21st September 2014, USD90 billion, the Yemeni government has said. The country s permanent representative to the>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:30 2020/12/16

ADEN - SABA Yemen has participated in the 18th session of the higher board of the Arab Women Organization which concluded today. Yemen’s delegation was headed by Minister of Social Affairs and>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:40 2020/12/15

NEW YORK – SABA The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Yemen to the United Nations Abdullah al-Sa'di has said Yemen's losses in the period between 2014-2020 have passed USD 90>>

alsahwa | News | 20:40 2020/12/15

Alsahwa Net- The minister of information Muammar al-Eryani has warned of the international community’s continued ignorance of the Houthi terrorist activities in the Red Sea. “The accelerating>>

alsahwa | News | 20:00 2020/12/15

2020-12-15 By Rudhwan Qayed Alsahwa Net- What seems to be a fixed attitude by the United Nations officials not to point the finger of blame at Houthis for the crimes they do is drawing all the>>

alsahwa | News | 20:00 2020/12/15

The army foils a plot to trigger unrest in Shabwa, arrests six men who fired shells on the natural gas liquefaction plant in Balhaf./ Anaween Post website.Government forces and STC confront>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:50 2020/12/15

RIAYDH-SABA The Speaker of the Yemeni parliament Sultan al-Barakani has met the new French ambassador to Yemen Jean-Marie Safa welcoming him and discussing with him the political and economic>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:10 2020/12/15

RIYADH - SABA Vice President of the Republic (Lt Gen) Ali Mohsen Saleh met here tuseday with Ambassador of the Republic of France Jean-Marie SAFA. Yemeni-French bilateral relations and the latest>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 16:20 2020/12/15

ADEN-SABA The Republic of Yemen has welcomed the US removal of Sudan from the US list of terror sponsoring countries. In a new statement, the Yemeni foreign ministry has called it “a significant>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 10:50 2020/12/15

Arabic press review: UAE covert actions on Yemen coast revealed Meanwhile, Morocco prevents anti-normalisation protest and Jordan's parliament expects bill banning import of Israeli gas >>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 19:10 2020/12/14

Arabic press review: UAE covert actions on Yemen coast revealed Meanwhile, Morocco prevents anti-normalisation protest and Jordan's parliament expects bill banning import of Israeli gas >>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:50 2020/12/14

RIYADH - SABA Yemen's Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani has called on the international community to listen to the "voices of Yemenis demanding the designation of Houthis as a terrorist group.>>

alsahwa | News | 21:30 2020/12/13

2020-12-13 The Yemeni army demands the international community to designate the Houthis a terrorist group./Ameethaq news website. . Fierce clashes are going on for one whole week between the>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 19:20 2020/12/13

MARIB - SABA The spokesman of the Yemeni army said the Houthi theocratic militia "go too far in targeted consecutive attacks on civilians in defiance of the international community." In a>>

alsahwa | News | 02:00 2020/12/13

2020-12-12 Prepared by Sarah Hassan Football player Nasser Arraymi and his son (pictured) were killed and two other children by a Houthi shell on a stadium in Taiz today (Saturday.)/Multiple>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:40 2020/12/12

RIYADH - SABA Prime minister Maeen Abdulmalik and the French ambassador to Yemen Jean-Marie Safa discussed Yemen’s developments and areas of cooperation during the coming period. In a meeting>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:10 2020/12/10

ADEN - SABA The Yemeni Government has welcomed the U.S. Department of Treasury designations target five of the terrorist Houthi militia's leaders who are perpetrators of serious human rights>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 21:20 2020/12/10

US sanctions five Houthi members in Yemen for 'serious human rights abuses' Designations come days after Washington blacklisted Iran's envoy to Houthis MEE staff Thu, 12/10/2020 ->>

alsahwa | News | 20:00 2020/12/10

We will not be intimidated by the warplanes from asserting control on military barracks that don’t report to the Defense Ministry, says the Commander of the Third Presidential Guards Brigade>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 20:00 2020/12/10

JAKARTA-SABA Ambassador of Republic of Yemen to Indonesia Dr. Abdulghani Ashamiri contributed Thursday to the discussions Bali Democracy Forum in its 13th version. This discussions held with limited>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 20:00 2020/12/10

RIYADH-SABA The Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council or GCC Nayef al-Hajraf has confirmed keenness of the council on regaining security and stability in Yemen. In a statement for him on>>

alsahwa | News | 22:10 2020/12/09

2020-08-2 Alsahwa Net- As the Houthis keep their non-stopping attempts to gain advances in the government-held province, the terrorist theocratic militia have been sacrificing large number of>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:10 2020/12/09

ADEN - SABA A popular protest included families of the martyrs and wounded people organized Wednesday here calling the international community to categorize Houthi militia a terrorist group for>>

alsahwa | News | 21:30 2020/12/09

Alsahwa Net- The maximalism of the theocratic militia of Houthis is met with leniency from the side of the United Nations, the spokesman of the Yemeni government Rajeh Badi said on Tuesday. >>

alsahwa | News | 21:30 2020/12/09

2020-12-09 The government has restored the most important contested city, Abyan, from the STC militia’s hands./Watan Alghad. . Houthi militants in Hajjah province shoot their legs and hands to>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:20 2020/12/09

MARIB-SABA Yemeni activists have reminded the world of the intuitive solution to the salary suspension and overall problems of the country that many tend to ignore: The restoration of the state back>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:40 2020/12/09

ADEN-SABA The Japanese Government has announced providing new aid to Yemen worth USD 2.8 million through the World Food Program. The government of Japan exchanged notes with World Food Program on>>

26sepnews | News | 17:00 2020/12/09

September Net Since its coup against Yemen&8217;s legitimate government, the Iran-backed Houthi rebel militia has been carrying out terrorist crimes against civilians in Marib province, targeting>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 16:50 2020/12/09

ADEN-SABA Yemen Rights and Freedoms Network has notarized 4282 violations committed by Houthi militia against women in the period between December 21, 2014 until October 25, 2020 in different>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:50 2020/12/08

ADEN - SABA Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Najeeb al-Awej participated in the high ranking meeting of the United Nations' Central Emergency Fund held Tuesday under presidency of>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:20 2020/12/08

ADEN - SABA The Government of Japan announced Tuesday providing Yemen with USD 3.5 million as new donation allocated to fishing sector in Aden and Hadhramout. The donation will be provided through>>