يافع نيوز &8211; وكالات قالت وكالة رويترز إن إدارة الرئيس
يافع نيوز
14:27 2024/08/10 |
صراعنا مع الإماميين الجدد صراع هوية بحت، وتصدٍّ
وكالة 2 ديسمبر
00:09 2024/08/10 |
الهدف من الاغتيال السياسي لا يتحقق دوماً، ويطرح
الرصيف برس
20:58 2024/08/09 |
يلعب القطاع الزراعي في اليمن دورًا أساسيًّا في دعم
يمن ميديا
20:18 2024/08/09 |
الاسم | الزيارات
26sepnews | News | 11:00 2021/02/09

September Net The army forces have managed to foil attacks by the Iran-backed Houthi militia, east of al-Hazm, provincial capital of Al-Jawf Governorate. Members of the Houthi militia tried to>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:40 2021/02/08

BRUSSELS - SABA The European Union (EU) expressed concerns about the recent military escalation by the insurgent Houthi militia in the two governorates of Marib and Aljawf and the attempted >>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:40 2021/02/08

SABA - NEW YORK The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Yemen to the United Nations Ambassador Abdullah Assa'di said my country has been experiencing difficult humanitarian and>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:50 2021/02/08

CAIRO - SABA The Republic of Yemen contributed to the consultations of Arab Foreign Ministers held today, Monday, in Cairo prior the emergency meeting of Arab League. Yemen's delegation headed by>>

alsahwa | News | 20:30 2021/02/08

UAE-backed separatist militants stormed key government offices in Yemen’s interim capital Aden on Sunday demanding “northern” employees to leave and rejecting the presence of the “government>>

alsahwa | News | 20:30 2021/02/08

Hours after the US State Department notified the US Congress of the “Secretary’s intent to revoke” the designation of Houthis as a terrorist organization, the Yemeni Shia theocrats fired>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 19:40 2021/02/08

Yemen's Houthis renew offensive to capture government stronghold Marib The push comes as UN special envoy to Yemen is in Iran to discuss the crisis in a sign of renewed diplomatic efforts>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 18:10 2021/02/08

ADEN - SABA Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik said the seizure of public offices by gunmen in Aden on Sunday prods the government into taking actions “to unify the security decisions” under the>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:20 2021/02/08

ADEN-SABA The Delegation of the European Union's mission headed by the Head of the Mission Hans Grunberg concluded Monday their visit to the transitional capital of Aden during which the European>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:50 2021/02/07

ADEN - SABA Yemen said on Sunday the US intended reversal of the terror designation of Houthis as a terrorist organization is a free gift to Iran so that it escalates its activity in the region.>>

alsahwa | News | 20:30 2021/02/07

The US quick turn to appease Houthis by stopping arms sales and announcing the intent to remove them from the terror list even though they were put on the list only in the last day of Trump has>>

alsahwa | News | 19:50 2021/02/07

Houthis have renewed their fierce attacks on the government-held city of Marib drunk with US good gestures towards them, The UN-backed Shiit militants launched a ballistic missile, drone attacks>>

alsahwa | News | 19:50 2021/02/07

By Sarah Hassan Contributing opinion writer One Yemeni journalist is accusing the western journalists of being constantly biased in favor of the Houthis, the Shiit version of Daesh, in Yemen. >>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:20 2021/02/07

ADEN - SABA The Republic of Yemen has condemned with the most powerful words the continuance of Iran-backed terrorist Houthi militia's laden-explosives drones attacks on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 16:40 2021/02/07

RIYADH - SABA The Secretary General of the GCC Dr. Nayef al-Hajraf welcomed the appointment of the Deputy Assistant of the Secretary of State as Special Envoy to Yemen Timothy>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 00:50 2021/02/07

ADEN - SABA Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Wa'id Batheeb met on Saturday in the temporary capital Aden with the Head of the EU Mission in Yemen Hans Gruenberg and a number of the>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 19:30 2021/02/06

ADEN - SABA Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Dr. Ahmed Awadh bin Mubarak held discussions today in the temporary capital Aden with the Head of the EU Mission and Ambassadors of Germany,>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 18:00 2021/02/06

ADEN-SABA Yemen has welcomed the recent election of the executive authority in Libya during a meeting spearheaded by the UN in Geneva. Yemen’s foreign ministry considered in a statement on>>

26sepnews | News | 17:30 2021/02/06

September Net The Government of Yemen has welcomed US President Joe Biden&8217;s speech, which confirmed significance of supporting diplomatic efforts for solving Yemen&8217;s crisis. In a release to>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 14:30 2021/02/06

US moves to revoke terror designation of Yemen's Houthis State department cites humanitarian reasons as it begins process to reverse action by outgoing Trump administration MEE and>>

alsahwa | News | 23:30 2021/02/05

Alsahwa Net – Yemen’s government welcomed the US president Joe Biden’s appointment of Timothy Lenderking as a special envoy to the country. In a statement on Friday, Yemen’s foreign>>

alsahwa | News | 23:30 2021/02/05

Alsahwa Net- Yemen’s Information Minister said the UN and international community adopt “an appeasement policy” toward Houthis despite the militia’s holding of a dangerously decaying oil>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:40 2021/02/05

RIYADH- SABA Saudi Arabia has renewed its firm position for supporting an inclusive political solution to Yemen's crisis on the basis of the GCC Initiative, the outcomes of the National Dialogue>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 20:10 2021/02/05

ADEN- SABA The Government of Yemen has welcomed US President Joe Biden's speech, which confirmed significance of supporting diplomatic efforts for solving Yemen's crisis. In a release to Yemen's>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 19:00 2021/02/05

UK urged to follow US in ending support for Saudi-led bombing of Yemen Activists and MPs call upon government to end backing that has 'armed, supported and enabled the brutal>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 19:00 2021/02/05

Al-Qaeda leader in Yemen captured alive, UN report confirms Khalid Batarfi was reportedly arrested in Yemen months ago and handed over to Saudi Arabia MEE staff Fri, 02/05/2021 ->>

France 24 | Yemen News | 14:30 2021/02/05

In his first address on foreign policy, the US president Joe Biden has announced he is ending support for Saudi Arabia-led offensive in Yemen, including an end to arms sales. Under Donald Trump’s>>

France 24 | Yemen News | 01:00 2021/02/05

President Joe Biden announced Thursday the United States was ending support for a grinding five-year Saudi-led military offensive in Yemen that has deepened suffering in the Arabian peninsula’s>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:30 2021/02/04

ADEN - SABA Minister of Interior General Lieutenant Ibrahim Hidan informed the International Penalties Expert of Security Council Mr. Volf, who visits Yemen for inspecting results of investigations>>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 21:10 2021/02/04

Biden ends US support for Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen War in Yemen 'has to end', Joe Biden says in first foreign policy-focused address as president Ali Harb Thu, 02/04/2021 ->>

Middle East Eye | Yemen News | 20:30 2021/02/04

Biden will end US support for Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen Top aide to US president confirms that Biden will make a formal announcement on the matter later on Thursday MEE staff Thu,>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:20 2021/02/03

ADEN - SABA The UN experts have agreed to revisit a report they released last week accusing the central bank in Aden of misuse of a Saudi financial deposit. In a virtual meeting with the experts>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 22:20 2021/02/03

MARIB - SABA Members of the Higher Council for Sana’a Resistance against the Houthi militia have called on the international community to designate the Houthis as a terrorist organization. The>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 21:40 2021/02/03

ADEN-SABA Prime Minister Ma'een Abdulmalik discussed Wednesday with the UK Ambassador to Yemen Michel Aron through technical meeting latest developments in Yemen and UK positions supporting the>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 20:50 2021/02/03

ADEN - SABA Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Awadh Bin Mubarak and Sweden's Special Envoy for Yemen, Ambassador Peter Semneby discussed the challenges to peace in Yemen in the aftermath of the>>

alsahwa | News | 19:50 2021/02/03

The top rebel leader in south Yemen Ayderoos al-Zabidi has implied in a news agency interview that Yemen’s parliament won’t be allowed to return to Aden city which lies under the control of his>>

alsahwa | News | 19:50 2021/02/03

Houthis killed a new child in an al-Haymah village in central Yemen’s Taiz province on Wednesday morning, news platforms reported, the latest in a new series of horrific abuses since the beginning>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:50 2021/02/03

ADEN - SABA The Japanese government has announced a new package of humanitarian aids for Yemen with total amount approximately $24.1 million. This amount from the complementary budget of Japan of>>

Saba net | Yemen News | 17:50 2021/02/03

ADEN - SABA Minister of Public Health and Population Qasem Buhaibeh inspected Wednesday the ongoing work of reconstructing and rehabilitating Aden Public Hospital and constructing cardiac>>

France 24 | Yemen News | 14:30 2021/02/03

Yemeni security forces have arrested two French citizens believed to be members of an al Qaeda cell in Yemen, the French government has confirmed.>>